Can I bring my dog to my newborn photo shoot?
If you know me at all you'll know that I friggin' LOVE dogs! Especially BIG dogs. My dogs are members of my family and I have been known to skip holidays so I can send time with them and not leave them home with anyone else. If your pup is part of your family and your doggo is having a "skin-sibling" / newborn baby, then here's the low down on what you need to know if you're considering bringing them along to the studio.
What type of dog can be included in newborn photos?
I welcome well-behaved, toilet trained dogs of all shapes, sizes, ages and breeds into my studio. I have photographed big dogs, small dogs and everything in between with their newborn babies. Your dog must be under your entire control for the duration of the photo shoot. My main focus is on your newborn's safety and I don't have extra hands to control your dog too. You know your dog best and how they respond to instruction. You should be confident that your dog will respond to you, and not be a danger to your baby, yourself or me during the photo shoot. Dogs that go into "protector mode" around you, your baby or strangers are not safe to be in the studio. I 100% reserve the right to refuse your dog's participation in the shoot if I feel that it may not be safe for them to be involved.

Some considerations before bringing your dog to a newborn photo shoot
Your dog likely thrives on routine, like most animals. Bringing your dog to the studio will be a break in the routine. Consider how your dog reacts to change. If they are likely to be upset by the change, consider leaving them home in their comfy spot.
Please bring treats and bribes. Dogs are similar to toddlers in that regard in that they respond well if there's something in it for them. Treats should be non-messy, both for their coats and your fingers, but also to lessen the clean up after your shoot. I might also need to place a little treat in between the layers I wrap your baby in to get your dog interested in sniffing them. Please let me know if you're not comfortable with doggie "kisses". Please bring a lead and a water bowl and bedding that is familiar to them to minimise stress.
Please plan ahead and make sure you've followed advice on how to introduce your dog to your new baby. Preparations should start months before your baby arrives, and should be done gradually. Your dog is your first baby and so they're likely to feel a bit put out by a new face round the house.
A top tip from a very good friend and client of mine, Sacha : "Before baby comes home from hospital, take a blanket home that bub has been wrapped in so the dogs can smell their new human, and then when bub comes home they're a little bit familiar already."
Another awesome repeat client of mine, Sharon suggests: "We held Luna close and took her to sniff Joshua when we first brought him home. Same with Alisha. We made sure we include her in lots to sniff and be around both babies as much as possible."
Consider your dog's temperament. If your dog is easily shaken in new surroundings or reactive to new stimuli, please consider whether you need to bring your dog to your newborn shoot. Your family photos with your new baby should be a calm and relaxed experience. If you're stressed about your dog behaving, think about photos in a more suitable environment with your pet, such as a dog beach or park at a later date. As much as I LOVE dogs, strange dogs can react unpredictably. I will always ask you to move your dog for me if we need to get them closer to baby. Ideally I use both parents when taking fur-sibling photos; one to "spot" the baby for me and one to control the pet to make sure we're getting the images in the safest possible way.
Is there someone that can take your dog home for you after their part in the photo shoot? The studio is very warm though, and most dogs settle down for a little snooze in the corner while they wait for their baby to finish having photos taken. Alternatively consider having your partner take your dog for a walk in the gorgeous surroundings near my studio in Darlington.

Looking good?
I know it's a busy time with your new baby, but your dog's grooming could make to break your photos. Plan to have them groomed, bathed and brushed ahead of time. Aside from not making a mess in the studio, you wouldn't show up for photos without brushing your hair first, would you? Make sure you're all looking your best. Clipped nails will help minimise injury and scratching if your dog does startle and start to scramble. What about a new collar to coordinate with the family's outfits?
A good, long walk before the shoot, and a bit of a sniff around outside before you bring your dog into he studio will help to calm your pet down. Remember the studio can be a very exciting place for a dog. There are lots of new sights and smells, but it can also be an over stimulating place for a dog who is not adequately socialised. Dogs can read your energy. Keeping calm and relaxed yourself will help your dog relax too.

be realistic
Your fur baby is very similar to a toddler....unpredictable, easily distracted and has a limited attention span. It's best to go in with no set expectations of your dog. Just stay positive, flexible and calm.
Always check with your photographer (if not using me) that your dog is welcome to the studio. Not all photographers allow dogs, and not all studios are set up to welcome pets. Please give me a heads up in your questionnaire that you will be bringing your dog, and remember to include them in the section "about your family". It's important I know they're coming, their approximate size and a little about their personalities so I know what to expect.
I look forward to meeting you and your doggos!
In the meantime, head here to read more about how I take safety in my studio seriously.
Michelle x
Contact me to ask about bringing your dog to your baby's newborn photo shoot!