6 Tips for your next family photoshoot in Autumn or Winter

There is a special kind of magic that comes with outdoor autumn or winter photo sessions. The crisp, brown and orange leaves lightly falling and hanging from the branches create a lovely backdrop for any photo session. Here are some tips to make your winter or autumn photo sessions go smoothly, whether you’re having a family photo shoot with me or just taking some family photos yourself.

1 Dress Warmly

You will be surprised at how often this is overlooked. Since you’ll be standing outside for a long period of time, short sleeves, thin fabrics, and open toe shoes will not be comfortable for very long. Shivering makes it hard to look happy and pose properly, especially with young children involved. Also, layered clothing looks fantastic in photos anyway, and you can get several looks from the one outfit by simply removing a layer.

2 Wear sunscreen if it's still warm and sunny

Protecting your skin should be a priority throughout the year, not just in summer. Use a good moisturiser to protect your skin from chilly winds. Not something you usually have to worry about in Perth, Western Australia most of the time, but it’s good to use a moisturiser with an SPF (sun protection factor) anyway.

3 Watch the weather

Warmer days may seem more pleasant but cloud coverage can change the entire look of your backdrop and can make for moodier images. If you are looking for light rain flurries, try and keep an eye on the weather forecast. Heavy showers aren't usually a good look for a photo shoot.  I try to keep an eye on this too, and I’ll keep in contact to reschedule if we need to, or make a change of plan. I much prefer shooting with golden light, so If it looks like rain and the photo shoot urgent, I'll usually suggest we reschedule.

4 Be flexible

If the weather isn't exactly what you had hoped for, lets see if you can still make the photo session work. Often times I’ll have chatted with you by email or messenger beforehand. If know the look and feel of images you’re going for and I may suggest we reschedule. If we are scheduling around family members who may not be able to make it on any other day, we may just have to work with the weather on that particular day.

5 use colour

Autumn and winter already have some amazing colours to work with, but why not wear a splash of colour to really stand out in your photos? For example, vibrant shades of blues and greens look amazing amongst crunchy brown leaves. Keep it simple, comfortable and timeless and your family photos will look amazing on your walls for years to come. Try to look around your home before the shoot to see what colour outfits will go with your décor. Your outfits look best when they’re coordinating but not too matchy-matchy. I've curated some ideas for you for what to wear on my Little Brown Rabbit Photography Pinterest board.

6 Plan your day

6.   I always try to schedule your photo shoot just before sunset. That way we have the best change of shooting with amazing lighting. It’s a great idea to try and plan your day around the shoot time. Little ones are not too tired or hungry are much happier. Maybe try to keep the children awake a little longer so that nap time is a little later. I promise it’s worth it for the golden light I love.

And that’s it…..all my tips for beautiful autumn or winter photos

I'll look forward to meeting you to update your family photos.

Michelle x

young girl with an autumn leaf over her left eye. Taken in an orchard in Perth, Western Australia.
young girl in an orchard in autumn in Perth, Western Australia. She has a leaf on her eye and is sticking out her tongue